1 Quote to Reframe Your Thinking on Pornography and the Church
In an article shared for the RelateStrong | Leadership Series eBook, Jeff (a former pastor and marriage and family therapist) discusses his personal experiences with pornography and shame. From the book: “According to the Christian Newswire, I am not alone in the chronic struggle with shame. It is reported that 68% of Christian men and 50% of pastors confessed to viewing porn weekly."
The “A” Word in Church: Addressing Addiction From the Pulpit
Addiction is a heavy issue with widespread effects — not only on the user themselves, but on their friends and families. From the pulpit to churchwide programs, here are 8 ways to tackle this serious issue with your church community.
What Does the Bible Say About Self-Care?
Leading the church when we feel pain, anxiety, or uncertainty of where God wants to move the Church can be exhausting. We are finding ourselves in a crisis within a crisis and many of our communities have been expressing the need for restoration. Every planning meeting about how to do church in the wake of coronavirus now complicated by deep desires to respond to the issues of social injustice correctly can feel overwhelming.
On-Demand Webinar: When Finances Feel Out of Control
In the last of our five-part webinar series aimed at guiding church leaders and congregation members through the stressors and worries of COVID-19, speaker Dr. Terry Hargrave took a close look at what for many can be a very stressful subject – finances. You can watch the full on-demand webinar here.
On-Demand Webinar: Dealing With Anxiety in the Age of COVID-19
The fourth entry in our five-part “Coming to a Place of Peace” webinar series looked at anxiety — and the damaging effects it can have, particularly in the age of COVID-19. Sharon Hargrave, Executive Director of the Boone Center for the Family at Pepperdine University, opened the discussion by examining the difference between anxiety and depression.
Your Questions Answered from the ‘Loneliness During Covid-19’ Webinar
Dr. Kelly Haer, Director of the Relationship IQ program at the Boone Center for the Family and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in California, answers the most pressing attendee questions from the “When Loneliness Becomes Overwhelming” webinar.
On-Demand Webinar: When Loneliness Becomes Overwhelming
In the third of a five-part webinar series aimed at helping church leaders and their congregations during COVID-19, Dr. Kelly Haer discussed ways to both identify and deal with the loneliness that’s become an almost unavoidable side effect of the Covid-19 crisis. Access the full webinar on-demand here.
From Pain to Peace: A Healing Exercise In Marriage
Changing the course of marriages strengthens the family, church and culture. While many couples are in quarantine all day, every day together, it is likely they will experience some conflict. One practical way to support a healthier marriage is to walk a couple through the pain and peace cycle.
Watch On-Demand: Webinar with Live Q and A on the Pain and Peace During Covid-19
Hosted by Sharon Hargrave, Executive Director of the Boone Center for the Family, and Dr. Terry Hargrave, founder of Restoration Therapy. Nearly 200 people joined the Boone Center for the Family’s first in a five-part webinar series to help church leaders during Covid-19.
Announcing COVID-19 Resources from the Boone Center for the Family
Covid-19 has put unusual strain on church leaders and their communities alike. To help in our own unique way, today the Boone Center for the Family updated our Resources page with a collection of free webinars, quick reference guides, and videos to help church leaders during Covid-19.