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6 Practical Ways to Address Depression & Anxiety in the Church


Many myths surrounding anxiety and depression keep them from discussion, both in and outside church walls. But bringing these issues to light — especially in a safe, open setting like the church — can be the first step to freedom for those facing anxiety and depression in your congregation.

Below are six practical ways from our eBook to address depression and anxiety with your church community:

Personal Practices

  1. Provide a safe place for people to come tell their story
  2. Freely share stories from a personal point of view about times of discouragement or anxious thoughts

Pulpit Practices

  1. Use scripture references that illustrate how people of great faith struggle with thoughts and feelings
  2. Explain Greek and Hebrew words that give deeper meaning to anxiety or depression

Programmatic Practices

  1. Create a "5 Days to a New Self" to help individuals deal with negative thought patterns
  2. Be sure to include practices in church curriculum that help children and young people deal with anxiety and depression


As you guide your congregation to discuss issues such as anxiety and depression — issues which are on the rise in the general, and churched, populations — you stand to create a welcoming atmosphere where freedom, and healing can begin.

For a more detailed discussion of Depression & Anxiety, download our free eBook, Vital Tools for Relevant Church Leaders. Based on thousands of hours of practical experience from professional therapists and church leaders, the book will provide you with not only the latest facts, but also strategies for helping your church community.