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6 More Ways to Address Pornography With Your Church


This post is a continuation from a previous post, "Pornography and the Church | 5 Responses in Love". For more insight and practical applications to address pornography use with your congregation, get our free eBook.

In a previous post, we addressed five relational ways to address pornography use with struggling individuals and couples in your church walls.

Here, we dive into three more practicals from the pulpit and three more programmatic practicals to help you address pornography with your congregation.

3 Pulpit Practicals to Address Pornography

  • Acknowledge pornography is a problem. Acknowledge healthy sexuality is good.
  • Create a place where safety and transparency are available.
  • Teach that relationships are the antidote to isolation and addiction.

3 Programmatic Practicals to Address Pornography

  • Present information in a non-threatening way, such as "How to live in an oversexualized culture" and "Navigating the parent / church through a highly sexualized culture."
  • Create programs of anonymity and safety. Know attendance may be low at first. Be persistent.
  • Encourage support through counseling and workshops with professionals who specialize in addiction and pornography.


  • Do any of these applications speak to you more than the others?
  • What steps will you take to initiate a culture of transparency — to begin the healing process within your church today?